Fact sheet
Baglung Municipality lies in Baglung District of Gandaki Province. It was established in 2054 BS. Malika, Pala (6-9), Tityang, Bhakunde, Raydanda, Amalachaur, Paiuntar, Narayansthan VDC’s were merged with the existing Baglung Municipality forming a greater Municipality. Out of the total population in the municiplaity 94% speak Nepali whereas 3% speak Magar and 2% speak Newari. 31% of population are Brahmins and 24% are Chhetris followed by 16% of Magars. Percentage share of Baglung to total urban population is 0.35% only.
Out of 200 financial institutions in the municipality there are
Literacy Rate of the Municipality (both sex)
Number of voters registered in the election commission
Households with access to safe drinking water
Socio-Economic Indicators
Indicators | Value |
Established Year (BS) | 2054 |
Federal State | Gandaki |
District | Baglung |
VDC's merged | Malika, Pala (6-9), Tityang, Bhakunde, Raydanda, Amalachaur, Paiuntar, Narayansthan |
Area (sq. km) | 98.01 |
No. of Wards | 14 |
Population (2011) | 57283 |
Female Population | 32275 |
Sex Ratio (M: F) | 77.48 |
Total Household (2011) | 15182 |
Average Household Size | 3.77 |
Density of Population (persons/sq. km.) | 584.46 |
Literacy Rate (%) | |
Both Sex | 79.8 |
Male | 88.9 |
Female | 72.5 |
Growth Rate (2001-2011) | 3.42 |
Total No. of Voters (2074 BS) | 34528 |
Male | 15977 |
Female | 18551 |
Ranking Among Municipalities | |
By Area | 107 |
By Population | 215 |
By Density of Population | 203 |
Percentage Share to District Population (%) | 21.53 |
Percentage Share to Total Urban Population (%) | 0.35 |
Percentage Share to District Area (%) | 5.49 |
Households with Access to Safe Drinking Water (%) | 93.40007904097 |
Households using Wood as Fuel for cooking | 63.779475694902 |
Households with Access to Electricity (%) | 96.561717823739 |
Population per km of Road | 362.39008034415 |
Available Hospital | 50 |
Banks | 12 |
Cooperatives | 179 |
Finance | 1 |
Development Bank | 8 |
Primary School | 48 |
Lower Secondary | 18 |
Secondary | 13 |
Higher Secondary | 24 |
Bachelors Level | 5 |
Masters Level | 1 |
Population by Caste/Ethnicity in percentage | |
Brahmins | 0.31 |
Chhetri | 0.24 |
Magar | 0.16 |
Sarki | 0.1 |
Population by Mother Tongue in percentage | |
Nepali | 0.94 |
Magar | 3 |
Newari | 2 |