Bhojpur Muncipality

Fact sheet

Biratnagar is one of the oldest municipalities in Nepal. It was established as municipality in 2008 BS. Later it was changed to Biratnagar Sub Metropolitan City. On 2072.2.17 BS Biratnagar was announced Metropolitan City with 19 wards. Geographically it is located in the eastern terai of the country. 

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These combined efforts helped the Bank to post net profit growth of


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These combined efforts helped the Bank to post net profit growth of


General Statistics


Development Region EDR
District Headquarter PHUNGLING
Area in Sq.Km. 3646
Elevation(m) 777-8598
Number of VDC’s/Municipalities 50
Number of Constituency(ies) 2
Total Population (2011 Census)
Sex Ratio (M/F)
Child dependent Population (under 14 yrs age) (%)
Elderly dependent Population (above 60 yrs age) (%)
Proportion of Urban Population (%)
Growth Rate(1991-2001) %
 Number of Households
 Average Household size
Population Density (persons/
Ranking among Districts by
Density of Population
Overall Literacy
Population Growth Rate
Per Capita Development Budget Expenditure
Per Capita Regular Budget Expenditure
Proportion of Naitonal Figure (%)
By Population
By Area
Total Road Length (Km.)
Road Density (km/100sqkm.)+
Community Forestry Area coverage
Total Irrigated Area++
Population per Telephone Line (000’)
Population per Doctor
Population per Hospital Bed (000’)


Socio-Economic Indicators of Development



2001 2011
Households with access to improved source of drinking water (Percent) 90.7
Households with access to toilet facility (Percent) 47.8
Households having electricity facility (Percent) 8.1
Households using solid fuels for cooking (Percent) 98.1
Households having radio facility (Percent) 55.7
Proportion of malnourished children under 3 years (Per’ 000’) 19.2
Reported death per 1000 population 7.388
First ANC Visits as % of expected pregnancies
Deliveries Conducted by HW (Including TTBAs)
first PNC visit as % of expected pregnancies
Maternal Deaths %
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (Percent) 38.54
% of Postpartum Mother who received Iron Tabs
% of Postpartum Mother who received Iron Vitamin A
Clinical malaria incidence (CMI)/1000
Incidence of kalazaar/10000 risk population
Proportion of Malnourished Children (Wt/Age) <3 yrs.
Primary school net enrolment ratio (Percent) 88.3
Percentage of Educationally Disadvantaged Population 0.03
Ratio of girls to boys in primary education (Percent) 91.8
Student teacher ratio in secondary education (Percent) 45
Literacy rate of population 15-24years (Percent) 91.8
Ratio of literate female to literate male 15-24 years (Percent) 29
Per Capita Development Budget Expenditure (In Rupees) 683
Per Capita Regular Budget Expenditure (In Rupees) 1509
Forest User Households (Percent) 20.47
Percentage of Irrigated Area 13.78
Per Capita Food Production (Kilo Calories) 3610
Yield of vegetables (Kg/Hectare) 8000
Yield of fruits (Kg/Hectare) 8938
Yield of cash crops(Kg/Hectare) 7570
Yield of fisheries 0
Yield of cereal crops 1421
Yield of Pulses 1015