Based on Nepal Living Standard Survey-IV 70.6 percent of households are within 30 minutes of a Health Post, while 62.1 percent have access to a Basic or Urban Health Centre. Only 44.9 percent of households are within 30 minutes of a Primary Health Centre, and 46.5 percent can reach a Government Hospital within the same time. Access to private health facilities is notably higher, with 80.6 percent of households within 30 minutes of a Private Clinic and 56.1 percent within reach of a Private Hospital. Community hospitals are less accessible, with only 32.9 percent of households nearby.

Similarly, there are significant variations in access to health facilities across different provinces. Bagmati and Lumbini provinces stand out with high accessibility, with 78.0 percent and 78.5 percent of households, respectively, being within 30 minutes of a Basic Health Centre and over 75 percent having access to a Health Post. Madhesh province shows notable access to private health facilities, with 87.6 percent of households within reach of a Private Clinic and 69.4 percent of a Private Hospital. Conversely, Karnali province has the lowest access, with only 43.1 percent of households near a Basic Health Centre and just 11.0 percent near a Primary Health Centre. Sudurpaschim province a has comparable limited access levels. Source (NLSSIV)

Basic Health Centre/ Urban Health Centre62.1
Health Post70.6
Primary Health Centre44.9
Government Hospital46.5
Community hospital32.9
Private Clinic80.6
Private Hospital56.1